January 2025: Intermediate Level 1 – Taste of Taiko – Mixed Surfaces Style

Have you ever been to a taiko performance and wondered about all the different ways the drums are positioned?  Facing up, facing diagonally, and the large drums played horizontally?  In this new January Intermediate Level 1 class we will explore a few of these styles.

Class 1 – Beta style on upright drum stands

Class 2 – Naname style on slant style drum stands

Class 3 – Odaiko Style on horizontal stand played while standing and facing the drum at eye level

Class 4 – Ensemble style – all drums styles come together

We recommend registrants to have participated in a Beginner Level class.

January 5th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 12th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 19st, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 26th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm

Cost: $96 per person
Registration deadline 1/3

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Registration OPENS 9/1/24

Location: Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District

Click here to register!