Learn to play taiko!

You’ve seen Seattle Kokon Taiko play — now it’s your turn!

Join fellow taiko enthusiasts for our 4-session classes and learn the fundamentals and history of taiko. We welcome people of all skill levels, whether you’ve never played an instrument or you’ve already taken our class 10 times. If you come with an open mind, you’re bound to have an awesome time connecting your rhythm, movement, and spirit!

Space is limited and first come-first serve! 16 years old or above required.  Classes are located at the in the International District of Seattle (1212 S King St, Seattle, WA).

For questions or to sign up for waiting list, please email

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Note on cancellation policy: 

– full refund minus processing fee of $5 if cancelled more than 2 weeks ahead of class start date 
– 50% refund if cancelled 1-2 weeks prior to class start date 
– no refund if cancelled less than one week prior to class start date

Class Descriptions & Registration

Song: Renshu

This new October Beginner class, a 4-week series, will focus on upright-stand (beta-dai) style drumming as we explore the intricacies of Left and Right, Loud and Soft, Big and Small, Up and Down. Participants will learn, RENSHU, a well-known North American taiko practice piece written by Seiichi Tanaka of San Francisco Taiko Dojo. Renshu (literally ‘practice’ in Japanese) is a basic piece that introduces all the main elements of beginning taiko, starting with kuchi-shoga (literally means ‘mouth singing’), stance and stick technique. Students are also taught dynamics, rim playing, rhythm patterns and how to put ‘ma’ (space) in their rhythm and ‘genki’ (spirit) in their form.

October 6th, Sun, 12-2 pm
October 13th, Sun, 12-2 pm
October 20nd, Sun, 12-2 pm
October 27th, Sun, 12-2 pm

Cost: $96 per person
Registration deadline 10/4/24

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Registration OPENS 9/1/24

Location: Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District

Click here to register!

This new November Beginner class, a 4-week series, will a focus on slant-stand (naname- dai) style drumming as we explore the intricacies of Left and Right, Loud and Soft, Big and Small, Up and Down. Participants will learn MATSURI TAIKO, a well-known North American taiko piece written by Seiichi Tanaka of San Francisco Taiko Dojo. Matsuri taiko (literally ‘festival drum’ in Japanese) is a piece that uses the main elements of beginning taiko, starting with kuchi-shoga (literally means ‘mouth singing’), stance and stick technique, and also incorporates movement about the drum. Students are taught dynamics, rim playing, rhythm patterns and how to put ‘ma’ (space) in their rhythm and ‘genki’ (spirit) in their form.

November 3rd, Sun, 12-2 pm
November 10th, Sun, 12-2 pm
November 17th, Sun, 12-2 pm
November 24th, Sun, 12-2 pm

Cost: $96 per person
Registration deadline 11/1

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Registration OPENS 9/1/24

Location: Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District

Registration Open

Click here to register!

Have you ever been to a taiko performance and wondered about all the different ways the drums are positioned?  Facing up, facing diagonally, and the large drums played horizontally?  In this new January Intermediate Level 1 class we will explore a few of these styles.

Class 1 – Beta style on upright drum stands

Class 2 – Naname style on slant style drum stands

Class 3 – Odaiko Style on horizontal stand played while standing and facing the drum at eye level

Class 4 – Ensemble style – all drums styles come together

We recommend registrants to have participated in a Beginner Level class.

January 5th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 12th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 19st, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm
January 26th, Sun, 12pm to 2:00pm

Cost: $96 per person
Registration deadline 1/3

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Registration OPENS 9/1/24

Location: Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District

Click here to register!

New February Intermediate 4-class series will focus on slant-stand (naname-dai) style drumming. Participants will take the elements of rhythm, movement and spirit taught in the Beginning Class and apply them to Utsu Hachijo, a challenging piece we learned from famous Japanese group Ondekoza. Hachijo-jima is one of the Seven Isles of Izu stretching south of Tokyo into the Pacific Ocean. It is the most distant of these islands and was once used as a place of exile. Some say the driving rhythm and flashy arm movements of this style was influenced by the sword-play of exiled samurai warriors practicing on the beach. In order to register, participants must have completed a Beginner Level or Intermediate Level 1 Class OR have other prior taiko experience OR get permission from the instructor.

February 2nd, Sun, 12pm-2 pm
February 9th, Sun, 12pm-2 pm
February 16th, Sun, 12pm-2 pm
February 23rd, Sun, 12pm-2 pm

Cost: $96 per person
Registration deadline 1/31

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.

Registration OPENS 9/1/24

Location: Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall in the International District
Click here to register!

More Info


How do I sign up for classes?

To register for a class, please go to the Registration page, select the class, and proceed through the registration form and payment info. You will receive a confirmation email once the order is processed.


Where is the class being held?

The Seattle Kokon Taiko Practice Hall is located in the International District., 1212 South King Street. More details will follow after confirmed registration.


What should I wear?

Expect to be very active throughout the session. Wear clothes that will allow ease of movement (knit tops, sweatshirts, knit pants, etc.) You will be working on a hardwood floor, so tennis shoes or bare feet are recommended. Black soles or street shoes will not be permitted. Hearing protection is recommended. You may find supplies at your local drug store.


What should I bring?

Bring a water bottle since you may find the need to stay hydrated. There will be bathrooms and a water fountain available on site. We will provide the drum surfaces and drum sticks.


What will happen at the class?

We will cover the history of taiko in Japan and America, working on the drums learning form and stance, basic drills and patterns, and learn a song or two. You will be busy and get a great workout in the process.


Who will be there?

Active members of Seattle Kokon Taiko will be there to run the class and provide you with assistance.


What is the COVID policy for SKT?

Please review the SKT COVID Policy.


Whom may I contact with questions?

You may e-mail Lika at

We look forward to seeing you!